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Soal dan Pembahasan Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup dan Rasa Syukurnya (Download Gr

Download Class 3 Daily Test Questions Theme 1 Subtheme 1

If you are a teacher or a parent of a grade 3 student in Indonesia, you may be looking for some test questions to assess your students' or children's understanding of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 in the Indonesian curriculum. In this article, we will explain what Theme 1 Subtheme 1 is, why it is important, how to prepare for it, where to find it, and how to use it. We hope this article will help you make your teaching or learning more effective and enjoyable.

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What is Theme 1 Subtheme 1?

Theme 1 Subtheme 1 is one of the topics covered in the Indonesian curriculum for grade 3. The theme is "Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Makhluk Hidup" or "Growth and Development of Living Things" in English. The subtheme is "Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup" or "Characteristics of Living Things" in English.

The concept of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 is to introduce students to the diversity and similarity of living things in their environment. Students will learn about the characteristics, needs, growth, development, and inter dependence of living things with each other and with their environment. Students will also learn about the classification and preservation of living things.

The objectives of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 are to help students:

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Download Soal Tematik Kelas 3 SD Tema 1 Subtema 1 Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Makhluk Hidup

Download Soal Ulangan Harian Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru

Download Soal UTS Kelas 3 Semester 1 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup dan Bukan Makhluk Hidup

Download Soal UAS Kelas 3 Semester 1 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Pilihan Ganda dan Isian Singkat

Download Soal Latihan Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Matematika dan IPA

Download Soal Evaluasi Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Bahasa Indonesia dan PPKn

Download Soal Remedial Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan Bilangan Ribuan

Download Soal Tuntas Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Sistem Pernafasan Manusia dan Hewan

Download Soal Siap Ujian Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Rangkuman Materi dan Pembahasan

Download Soal Bimbel Brilian Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup PDF

Download Soal Osnipa Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Kisi-Kisi, Dua Paket Soal, dan Kunci Jawaban

Download Soal BSE Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Buku Siswa dan Buku Guru

Download Soal Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Lengkap dengan Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Download Soal Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Format Word dan Excel

Download Soal Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup Berdasarkan Jenis Makanannya

Download Soal Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Perbedaan Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup dan Benda Mati

Download Soal Sekolah Kita Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Cara Berkembang Biak Makhluk Hidup

Download Soal Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Struktur Alat Pernafasan Manusia

Download Soal Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Rasa Syukur atas Keberagaman Makhluk Hidup sebagai Pengamalan Pancasila

Download Soal Kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 1 Contoh Teks Deskripsi tentang Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris

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  • Identify the characteristics of living things, such as respiration, nutrition, movement, growth, reproduction, and adaptation

  • Recognize the needs of living things, such as food, water, air, shelter, and companionship

  • Observe and describe the growth and development of living things, such as plants, animals, and humans

  • Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of living things based on their physical features, behaviors, habitats, and life cycles

  • Classify living things into groups based on their characteristics, such as plants, animals, vertebrates, invertebrates, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, etc.

  • Appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of living things in their environment

  • Understand the interdependence of living things with each other and with their environment

  • Participate in the preservation and conservation of living things and their environment

Why is Theme 1 Subtheme 1 important?

Theme 1 Subtheme 1 is important for several reasons. First, it helps students develop their scientific skills and attitudes, such as observing, describing, comparing, classifying, inferring, communicating, questioning, experimenting, and caring. Second, it helps students enhance their cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills, such as analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, and problem-solving. Third, it helps students foster their affective values and social skills, such as curiosity, creativity, respect, responsibility, cooperation, and empathy. Fourth, it helps students increase their knowledge and awareness of living things and their environment, which are essential for their life and future.

How to prepare for Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test?

Preparing for Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test can be fun and easy if you follow some tips and strategies. Here are some suggestions for teachers and parents to help students study and review for Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test:

  • Review the concept and objectives of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 with the students. Make sure they understand the main ideas and key terms of the topic.

  • Use various learning resources and materials, such as textbooks, worksheets, flashcards, posters, videos, games, experiments, etc. to reinforce the students' learning and memory.

  • Encourage the students to practice their skills and apply their knowledge by doing some activities, such as observing, describing, comparing, classifying, drawing, labeling, writing, etc. related to living things and their environment.

  • Provide feedback and guidance to the students on their work and progress. Praise their efforts and achievements, and correct their mistakes and misconceptions.

  • Test the students' understanding and readiness by giving them some practice questions or quizzes. Review the answers and explanations with them, and help them improve their weak areas.

Where to find Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions?

There are many sources and links for downloading or accessing Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions. You can use some of the following websites or platforms to find Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions:

  • : This is the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. You can find the curriculum, syllabus, books, modules, assessment guides, etc. related to Theme 1 Subtheme 1 here.

  • : This is the website of the Electronic School Book (BSE) program of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. You can find the digital versions of the textbooks, teacher's books, student's books, etc. related to Theme 1 Subtheme 1 here.

  • : This is a website that provides various test questions for different grades and subjects in Indonesia. You can find some Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions here.

  • : This is another website that provides various test questions for different grades and subjects in Indonesia. You can also find some Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions here.

  • : This is a website that provides online test questions for different grades and subjects in Indonesia. You can take some Theme 1 Subtheme 1 online tests here.

How to use Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions?

Using Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions effectively can help you measure your students' or children's learning outcomes and improve their performance. Here are some guidelines and examples for using Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions effectively:

  • Select or create Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are aligned with the concept and objectives of the topic. Make sure they cover the main ideas and key terms of the topic.

  • Choose or design Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are appropriate for your students' or children's level and ability. Make sure they are clear, concise, accurate, relevant, and challenging.

  • Use different types or formats of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions to assess your students' or children's knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. For example, you can use multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blanks, short answer, essay, etc. to test your students' or children's understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc.

  • Provide a table or a rubric to score or grade Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions. Make sure the criteria and standards are clear, fair, and consistent.

  • Give feedback and suggestions to your students or children on their Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test results. Praise their strengths and achievements, and help them overcome their weaknesses and difficulties.

Here is an example of a table that contains some Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions and answers:



What are the characteristics of living things?

The characteristics of living things are respiration, nutrition, movement, growth, reproduction, and adaptation.

What are the needs of living things?

The needs of living things are food, water, air, shelter, and companionship.

How do plants grow and develop?

Plants grow and develop by germinating from seeds, sprouting roots and shoots, developing leaves and stems, flowering and fruiting, and dispersing seeds.

How are animals similar and different from each other?

Animals are similar and different from each other based on their physical features, behaviors, habitats, and life cycles.

How do you classify living things into groups?

You can classify living things into groups based on their characteristics, such as plants or animals, vertebrates or invertebrates, mammals or birds, etc.


In conclusion, Theme 1 Subtheme 1 is an important topic in the Indonesian curriculum for grade 3. It helps students learn about the characteristics, needs, growth, development, and interdependence of living things with each other and with their environment. It also helps students develop their scientific skills and attitudes, cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills, affective values and social skills, and knowledge and awareness of living things and their environment. To prepare for Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test, you can use some tips and strategies to help your students or children study and review for it. You can also use some sources and links to find Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions. You can also use some guidelines and examples to use Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions effectively. We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions:

Q: How many Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions should I give to my students or children?

A: There is no fixed number of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that you should give to your students or children. It depends on your purpose, time, difficulty level, and content of the test. You can use the curriculum, syllabus, books, modules, etc. as a reference to determine the number of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions. You can also adjust the number of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions according to your students' or children's needs and abilities.

Q: How can I make Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions more interesting and engaging for my students or children?

A: You can make Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions more interesting and engaging for your students or children by using some creative and innovative methods, such as:

  • Using pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, etc. to illustrate or supplement the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions

  • Using stories, scenarios, cases, examples, etc. to contextualize or relate the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions to real-life situations

  • Using games, puzzles, riddles, jokes, etc. to add some fun and humor to the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions

  • Using different media, such as audio, video, animation, etc. to enhance the presentation and delivery of the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions

  • Using different modes, such as online, offline, individual, group, etc. to vary the format and interaction of the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions

Q: How can I check the quality and validity of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions?

A: You can check the quality and validity of Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions by using some criteria and indicators, such as:

  • Alignment: The Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions should match the concept and objectives of the topic

  • Appropriateness: The Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions should suit the level and ability of the students or children

  • Clarity: The Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions should be clear, concise, accurate, relevant, and challenging

  • Diversity: The Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions should cover different types or formats of questions to assess different aspects of learning

  • Feedback: The Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions should provide feedback and suggestions to improve learning outcomes and performance

Q: How can I download Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions from the websites or platforms mentioned in the article?

A: You can download Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions from the websites or platforms mentioned in the article by following some steps, such as:

  • Visit the website or platform that you want to download Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions from

  • Search for Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions by using keywords, filters, categories, etc.

  • Select the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that you want to download by clicking on them

  • Download the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions by clicking on the download button or link

  • Save the Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions in your device or folder

Q: How can I create my own Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions?

A: You can create your own Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions by using some tools and methods, such as:

  • Use the curriculum, syllabus, books, modules, etc. as a reference to create Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are aligned with the concept and objectives of the topic

  • Use the Bloom's taxonomy or the Revised Bloom's taxonomy as a framework to create Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are appropriate for different levels of learning

  • Use the SMART criteria or the ABCD model as a guide to create Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are clear, concise, accurate, relevant, and challenging

  • Use the table or the rubric that you used to score or grade Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions as a template to create Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are consistent and fair

  • Use some online tools or software, such as Google Forms, Quizlet, Kahoot, etc. to create Theme 1 Subtheme 1 test questions that are interactive and engaging


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